This is a place for the honest people stuck in a world full of insecurities and negativity. I will do my best to comment on what's going on in my community and spread words of positiveness and honesty.
Spreading Peace Love and Happiness Globally
RIP to the man who always spread a positive message of togetherness
I want to send out all my holiday wishes,l whether you celebrate Christmas chanukah quanza or anything else you may celebrate This is the time to think about your life and where you want to be. During this past month you should've spent it with loved ones and if you didn't you may have missed out on some good times. I know not everyone gets along with their families but during this season its good to have people around who love and care for you.
This is the time to think about what you could've done better over this last year and to start planning to be better.I see all of these New Years posts saying how they are going to change and how 2013 is that year, but what has kept you from doing better until now? I challenge all of my readers to look over this past year and think about what could've went better and how you could've contributed to the success. Please remember the ones that have fallen this year and don't forget them.
Going into this new year plan ahead. We as a country, US, need to plan ahead. We are going into yet another recession because our lawmakers are acting like kids about their money. (we all should have the same taxes no matter how much you make. Poor families shouldn't get taxed a higher percentage then the rich ones. simple as that) But we have to plan for our futures. Educate yourself. Reach out to others. Build better communities. And most importantly show each other love.
This year will be big in all of our lives. No matter what region of the Earth you live in. We have Civil wars in the Mid-East, N. Koreans blasting missiles Russians not backing up their allies and just an overwhelming amount of hate is filling the world. I beg everyone to take that 1 extra step to make their communities better. We could see significant change in our world if we loved our neighbor as ourselves.
Also this year will test our mental abilities. We are now in a situations where we are challenging dogma. We are now where our politicians think about themselves not the people, and the people are standing up. This year be better then the last, write out some resolutions and stick to them. Remind yourself everyday that today could be my last day and do what you love to do.
Leave a legacy when you leave this Earth, just make sure that legacy is something you want to be known for. 2013 will separate the weak minded from the strong, the money lovers and people lovers. I pray you all have a safe, fun and blessed New Year.
Thank you for continuing to read my blog throughout the holidays and keeping me in your minds. I want to express my gratitude to all those who have been reading or just started reading.
It really means alot to me when i go out to parties and people ask if I'm the guy who writes the blogs. This tells me i'm making an impact, let alone changing lives. Or when people message me on Facebook it shows that ya care. I know i haven't been feeding all ya minds for the last month or so but I'll start taking care of this again.
I love it when different people come up and ask about my next post or even offer me a subject. That makes my job alot easier. I also love when i see my views are world wide. I now have viewers in US, Canada, Australia Afghanistan North and South Korea, China and many more countries. Please continue to spread the word about my blog and support me in my journey.
I appreciate the page views and will discuss anything that you, my readers will want to talk about. Find me on Facebook. Follow me on Twitter @squad2900. Instagram @mtaylor2900.
I will do my best to feed your thoughts and always stay positive. Reach out if you have comments or concerns.
A couple months back, we witnessed the story of little Amanda Todd and all over our country we gave our heart to this little girl. If your don't know Amanda Todd is a little teenage girl who liked to show off her goodies online. When shit got real, she couldn't stand the pressure and moved schools yet still posting shit online. Once the problem followed her to different schools and through online bullying she felt she had no other choice but to kill herself.
Now the US is going into hysteria about this little underage model but don't you guys think, at least fora second, that maybe she brought this upon herself? I know I'll be stepping on toes about this, but it has to be said. Maybe as a society we focus on things that we tell our kids not to do yet we do them. For example, if you have a little baby girl and you tell her not to show her body and cross her legs when sitting and all that, then you go out showing your body every chance you get, what do you think she will do? Don't be mad at the little girl be mad at yourself for setting that example.
Back to bullying. This girl felt as if the bullys were around and the only escape was death. Those people who bullied her were relentless and did need to stop what they were doing. But isn't that a sad reality that we face? Growing up we see little kids speaking their mind, we usually don't likk to hear it ckuz its true so we tell them to "be nice". As they get older and into school they become more open about their opinions and will start letting people know. Again this is still not bullying. Then they get into middle and high school and suddenly that honesty turns into bullying. Maybe that's an issue you want to address to the adults rather then the children.
The kids model after what we do. If we say "don't say anything unless its something nice" then turn around and cuss someone out they will do the same. If they see you being honest and follow after your steps maybe you should teach "time and place" conversations now.
To me bullying is a load of crap. I understand I'm more comfortable with myself then others may be but to take your own life for the satisfaction of others is besides me. That story really made me feel more anger at society then the bullys themselves. They simply modeled of what their elders are teaching them.
To me those kids do deserve to be punished, ONLY BECAUSE THEIR OWN PARENTS ENCOURAGED THE BEHAVIOR. there are many instances of bullying that occurs everyday and i think we need to address the parents and not the children. the children behavior can be fixed if we learn how to stop the lying.
I swear every time I turn around people are saying how much I will miss them when they gone or some variation of that. You know my answer to that every time? Yeah right, I ain't gonna miss you. you gonna miss me that's why you saying that.
To all those people who say this, what is your intent? What about you is so miss-able? Why should we miss you? I think the people who say this should all take a look at their lives and think about why people should miss them. I'm not saying that people aren't special and all that, but wherever we found you, I guarantee it that someone else is just like you.
And when saying this, be prepared for for the worst. Be prepared for that person to say bye and not miss you. Be prepared for the same hurt you are trying to inflict on them. Because isn't that what you're saying that for? To hurt them emotionally to where they will want you back, right? So be prepared to not be missed and find someone new.
To those who get told this (my category), what did you do to to deserve this treatment? Are you taking them for granted? What about them will you miss, if anything at all? I feel likk the people who get told this, generally don't care or mind if you walk out. Unless you are a main person in someones life we won't care that you left. In fact, we probably won't even have a hiccup in our life without you.
When being told this step back and think about what you have done to deserve this though. Its obvious this person is fed up and ready to leave, so what about you is this person tired of? What are your actions saying? do they differ from what you tell this person? You gotta take in all the facts when someone tells you this.
And if this is a person who you love and value, get right with them. Show them that yes you do miss them and want them back in your life. When dealing with people you care about, lose your pride. It will only fuck things up worse.
Its a difference between if a booty ckall tells you this or your wife. You have to know boundaries and have respect for the person. If you know that a person is easily angered over a subject don't constantly bring it up, especially if this is a person who you enjoy having conversations with. Make sense?
So in conclusion, know what you value, know your limits, know what type of people you want in your life and most importantly, keep a mutual respect. Where there's no respect, boundaries get crossed and people lose people. Either it was worth it or not, the ckhoicke is in your hands.
Shit gets deep when people you know and love pass away. Whether from another person or natural circumstances the shit hurts like no other pain. In fact, a natural death to me, hurts more than the rest of the types. I say this because at least if that person is hurt or killed you have someone to blame. With a natural death you don't have that.
It seams likk juss last week I was out chillin on the block wit my cuzzin, talking about life and where we came from. I remember seeing my cuzzin everyday at our drug classes nd then goin to smoke right after knowing we would get tested tomorrow. LOL, unfortunatley that was our legacy together. We would chill, smoke and talk about life except now his journey has ended. We used to talk about how he wanted his own place and how his musiq was takin off and how much he enjoyed his designing nd shit. Its crazy that he's gone now.
I don't think it really has hit me like it will but it really makes me think. What could I have done to help my ckuddie out? what should I have done? I juss wish I could've had more time wit my bigg ckuzzin. Last time I seen him we was ckhillin talking bout how we gunna stunt in 2013. Now it looks like its juss me.
I know my family is going through it too. My prayers and support like always is with my family but especially my family immediate to him. I don't know how his mom is feeling or his siblings. That is the type of shit that really makes a family break down. I know no-one caused this but its the same hurt I feel.
My prayers are with my aunt and unckle but this doesn't mean this is the end of OUR lives. We must live on. We must succeed on as well. He had a son that will remember his dad and it is up to us (his family) to show him how to live as a man and to let him remember his father's image and spirit.
For ya who knows me and my family, or just think about us, all the prayer would help. Thanks.
Civil War is in our history as a people and even more so recently. In the past 3 years we have seen the most civil violence that our world has ever seen. We have seen civil disobedience from Sudan, Lybia, Syria, and Iraq. In my religion these are the countries that border the "promised land" and I believe that is telling us all something. Its either telling us the end is near, when people from our own country, our own brothers and sisters, are fighting with each other and with actual hate. Or its telling us that we as a people are forgetting about the single most valuable thing when it comes to others: love and respect.
These civil wars are not only hurting us as a united people but also our earth and the way we think about each other. I remember when I was a kid my mom taught me if someone fucks with you, leave it be, but if they put they hands on you hit them back 10 times harder. Is this not what countries teach their citizens and soldiers? Don't cast the first stone, but if a stone hits you, fire back.
This logic is a self destructing outlook on things, especially when a problem is local enough to cause civil strife. The things that these countries fight most about is resources, money and political power. Are these things making us live day by day, yes. Everyone lives by the same rules, and poverty is everywhere however; no one keeps this in their mind. The ones in charge don't want to step down and the ones at the bottom aren't speaking up. And when speaking up they get fired on for speaking up.
Sometimes however War is needed. In situations where your leaders are conducting a mass murder or even your citizens are committing the crimes, you must stop this where it stands. My heart goes out to all of those in Pakistan Iran and Iraq who have had their leaders seeking to kill them. I strongly recommend, if your in a situation to where your leaders are killing your people off, a revolution. As Bob Marley said, "GET UP. STAND UP. STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS. GET UP STAND UP. DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT"
What I suggest for these countries is to appoint leaders in every county, uncurrupt and non-paid lead leaders, because lets face it, money speaks alot more louder then brokenness I challenge these civil war countries to not worry about class, worry about structure, community service, and support. Don't exclude certain genders from activities and please respect each person as their own person. I understand religion plays a huge part of these different views but as a friend of mines said, "Allah does not command us to be extremists. He commands us to be modest and to live a balanced life. We must be modest and functional, not be burdened beyond our means. If something debilitates us from functioning normally, question its integrity."
I believe if people lived their lives with a natural love for each other we wouldn't see these civil wars. I say this because how could you murder your brother or sister that you love so dearly just because they want the same opportunities as you. What makes you better then them and how does that really relate to this situation.
I challenge everyone to find something that you love and hold onto it. Help your neighbor. If you live in any country going through a civil war I pray for you. My heart is crying out to the people of Syria right now as they go through this. You guys will make it through, and I'm sure with all of the UN support your officials will stop bombing your homes.
I think that everybody should get out and vote. Shit they even have mail in ballots too now, so there really ain't any reason to not vote. If everybody lived with that mentality that your vote doesn't matter, how would we get people to vote? What is driving your decision to vote or not? Did you guys forget that less then 200 years ago you didn't even have the option, meaning your great grands or great great grands couldn't vote. Only the white middle to upper class male could vote. Do you want to go back to these times? Everyone always talkin about how their vote doesn't matter and all that, but have ya taken a political science course? Have ya Google this? I have. This is what i now know.
Your vote matters for your state. Your vote is taken into account for the state that you live in. The more votes for one candidate per state is what represents you. Think about it. When the campaigns are going strong with commercials, showing the candidates points and shit they try to hit key states, not key cities. The people make up states, states make the union and the president represents the union of the states.
That is why you have republican or democratic states, and not cities. If you notice, in a democratic state you will see more Obama ads then Mitt Romney ads. That's because they know which states are key to the victory. So remember that your vote does count. It counts for your state. And really your state is the one that should matter, not the other ones. You don't pay those taxes nor do you live there.
In addition to this, its made this way because the more populated cities don't have more say then say a little town in Iowa. So to make it clear, it makes it an equal say for people in LA as well as people in South Park, Colorado.
So be happy that your state vote counts. Your individual vote carries onto your county and then to your state. Plus this is a privilege to vote. Right? When you commit a crime they take that right away. This shouldn't be taken lightly. I am a felon and what i think doesn't matter. My words hold no meaning when compared to a voter. Be proud. When you go to other countries, you don't have this right. If you lived in communist China, Your vote wouldn't matter. Would you rather live in a communist party or a democratic system where you can vote for the next world leader. Ckuz let's face it, OUR president essentially runs the world.
Is it bad that I don't want to be with my baby's mom? I know the statistics say that if we are together our child will have more opportunities but it wouldn't be in the best interest of the child, to be together. In addition to this I don't feel like I should have to put up with someone in my life that I don't want there.
Yes she is my baby's mother and she will be in my life for the rest of my life, but that doesn't mean we have to be together. I feel like our relationship now is perfect. We have good communication and we don't argue about most things. For me this is a challenge because it is BOTH of our child. Not just mines. This is all about compromise.
I figure she chose to keep it, so I get to choose the lifestyle. And by all means the lifestyle I am choosing for my child will be way different then then lifestyle I grew up with. My child will be raised in private schools, maybe charters, and in the church. Not like how I was. In addition to this, I will never keep my child away from they momma, just ckuz I know wassup when it comes to children. They are analyzers, they analyze before they react. If they see me disrespect they mom they will sit back until they are old enough to do the same.
So as far as opportunities go, I am paving the way for my little now and I will continue my success so my lil will have a great life. Me and the mom will be ckoo as long as we keep up good communication and keep people out of our business. Which will be harder for her then me. I know this will work with us as only friends and I hope other people will see this and know just because you have an accident, that doesn't always mean your life is as bad as you think.
First I want to say RIP to my nigga. We ain't forget you blood and I been keepin the hood on lock since you dropped my nigga. The hood ain't been the same either. Niggas is fake ass niggas nd snitckhin niggas stay tryin to tell the tale of bein real. You paved the way for the little niggas nd you won't ever be forgotten.
Now I want to set everyone straight. I did not know Q personally but we was rockin the same hood before he passed. I was up there at Barnett beatin niggas up for reppin the wrong hood and up at Cleveland knockin heads wit this nigga at homecoming. My nigga was a rider for real. Something these new generations have lost.
We grew up making it known where we are from and what we are going to do if you disrespect. This was all done on the streets nd in these sckoo. Runnin into other niggas sckoo juss to ckheck a false banger or a soufend nigga. These was the real nigga days. Now it seam everybody is a facebook banger or a twitter trapper. Nah homie, I rememmber the times when it was ten toes down till I hit the ground.
If you really aren't bout this life don't try to make it your life. This life is only built for the strong and the people who get raised in this lifestyle. If you're a sckoo boy, stick to the books. If you're an athlete stick to them athletics. Don't mix this lifestyle with yours. Likk they say, living likk this either get you locked up or in jail. That's ckuz either a nigga snitckhed or a real nigga trying to take your place. If this reality is something that you're scared of, then this ain't the life for you.
Please honor my nigga. If you dirt talk you'll lose some teeth, and thats on me. Honor him by being real to yourself. If you're with this shit and been with this shit, make it known and stop actin brand new when it comes to real hood shit. If you aren't with this shit leave it alone. You can make a better life for yourself.
Sometimes you have to let go of what you love to do for a better cause. This one is personal to me. I've been smoking kush since I was 7 years old and got my green card at 18. I have robbed people for their weed and have robbed to get weed. I have also sold kush which never worked because I smoke it. To me this is addiction. Addiction to a drug is unacceptable. I wouldn't describe it as a chemical addiction or anything likk that but a psychological addiction.
Yes I can go weeks or months without smoking but everyday its on my mind. Having an addiction, can and will hurt you in the long run, whether physical, emotional, or with your family. The people around you will notice first and thats when you should consider stop using the drug.
My father is an addict. He is addicted to crack, and I have seen first hand how an addiction will tear apart a family. Yes crack is way different then weed, but the addiction is the same. To celebrate you smoke, to cope with things you smoke, when you're bored you smoke and with anything else that comes up you smoke to it. You find yourself saying "let me juss smoke this real quick" before most activities in your life. The things you used to enjoy so much are now only fun if you smoke before you do them. That is an addiction.
Because I know that addiction runs in my family I will not make the same mistakes my dad did but I will better myself everyday. I know its hard to pull away from these thoughts but you must stay strong mentally. Distance yourself from people who remind you of that drug and never put yourself into a situation to where you might juss try it again.
I know addicts and my heart cries out for them. I have seen their lives broken down in front of their own eyes and it hurts me to see this. They will not see better change in their lives until they want to change. Yes the withdrawal effects are a bitch nd I can see how it might make them relapse but you have to stay mentally strong. Keep in mind that you are going thru this because your body is gettin all that nasty shit out. Surround yourself with people who don't use and will support you. These people will be your safe haven.
I pray for us all who struggle with addiction and I hope we can all find our reasons to break that addictive spirit. I know the journey won't be easy but think about your family, or friends, or whatever you have to live for. If you can't find anything to live for, I pray that you will. If you ever need support, please contact me and you can consider me a supporter for change.
Education is ckrazy, in how it shift your way of life or thought process. When presented with valid information it is up to you to either absorb it or to dismiss is, in which case that makes you stupid. Literally.
in definition stupid means to have knowlege but act in the way as if you didn't have it, ie: ignore the fruits of your mind.
Ignorance is not having knowledge about a certain thi
ng so therefore knows no other alternative.
I ckhallenge you all to accept education as it comes. Whether from school, reading on the internet, or just life experiences. Don't ignore positiveness instead embrace it.
With knowledge comes power. not only power over your own mind but then with that knowledge please use it to your advantage.
Thank you for all those who support me, the journey will be long and rough but I am a man about my responsibilities and i will show you all now.
I preackh alot of positiveness day by day and although in my life things may not always be positive i try to always stick to what i tell people. i find it an outrage on behalf of myself if i become a hypocrite.
I have preackhed motivation, and how
to use ur motivation to do better for ur life as well as for your peers.
I will now show you all how to be a motivated parent. I can not speak on a life that i know nothing about and i want to hear from my other parents how ya dealt with pregnancy and adjusted to life with your ckhild.
I hope one day i ckan be an example on how to live a good parental life.
When folks mess with Americans, we go after them: Barack Obama.
In all reality gangs are an everyday way of life. Whether its streets gangs, political, or religious. We have grown accustomed to the way gangs think. Protect our own, do good for our community, and whoever steps on our toes, gets the business. Is this not what we tell our friends in elementary? When we get to high school? And doesn't Obama say it every time he brings up foreign policy? We value community and safety but don't value the smaller communities diversity.
When you are young you tell your friends, "I always have you back; you're my nigga. (homeboy, associate) " Then what happens when they fight? You fight. You guys are just preparing yourself for what follows in the next coming years. Yes, this may be different from culture to culture but it is in our history as people not to let things that anger us slide. The Buddhist in China aren't naturally going to start a war in India with the Gandhi people, sorry I don't know what that religion is called, but I bet if the Ghanaian people came beefing that would start a religious war within those areas. Just as we see in the Middle East.
As people hold different values they take offense at different levels. Think of these religious clicks as gangs, because they offer the same consequences, right? Believe in us and we will give you a better life, fuck with us we will leave your ass in the dust.
This has been proven in our history as a people and yet when asked about street gangs people are shocked at the civil violence. Aren't we just mimicking what we see in our world? We got bombed here in the US and what did we do? Retaliation. What happened when someone from the soufend shot one of my niggas in the CD? We retaliated.
Do not blame street gangs for the violence in our country, since we are mimicking whats happening on a global scale. The reason why it seams so bad locally is because the problem is a local problem and not an international problem.
We are at war against terrorism yet we are terrorizing ourselves. How can we change as a people if we don't address the problems we have locally. Meaning as a country we can not be so fast to jump while telling our citizens that we can not act the same way. It makes us all hypocrites to our own values and gives other countries such as Iran and Iraq to look at us in the same way. How can we tell them to be peaceful if we have local civil wars here everyday.
Be the change that you want to see in your community so that others can learn from you and replicate that behavior.
So I've noticed that everyone thinks that they are real when they are some of the fakest people I know. This really irritates me because I try to get people to think positive and be real with themselves before they address others. This way when addressing an issue you can see it from all points of view. In addition to this just because you are being real with yourself doesn't mean that is real to me.
When being real with people you have to come at them with an unbiased view. You can't try to influence someone with your forceful thoughts, only by love and care. Fore real, if you come at me telling me what you think I should do and all that I'll be less willing to do that, but if you suggested a better decision and described why its a better choice I will be more inclined to that idea. You have to be aware that they may get hurt by what you say as to not offend, and not get your point heard.
Also if you put your opinion into play you are opening yourself up for judgement. Whoever you are trying to address will start noticing this and eventually point that out to you and again your message won't be heard.
So try remembering when being real with someone that, their real may not be yours. and to take into account that they may be sensitive to their truths. Don't be so fast to judge and always look at yourself before pointing the finger.
If they aint money motivated or have something going for them they will hate on any and all ur finacial success. real shit.
if you have a job and focused on that job you will see your free time slowly diminish. not because you are gettin more busy but you are just that more focused. you are being exactly wat you should be and putting your money first ove
r kicking it is part of growing up.
Dont believe me? look at your parents, or if you are a parent look at your life. When you was a teen just going to sckoo maybe a part time job or hustlin you had alot of free time, but once college came or a full time job or even a fat lick, you saw less time to kick it , more time to make something of yourself.
Go with that thought. Now you feel likk you are on the right path but then someone wants to get mad at you for handling your business. in my opinion i say, fuck em. that person is clearly in the way of you and your priorities and it is up to you not to get distracted. sometimes these people may be family or even friends that you've known for years. When these people see that you are doing well they want what you have.
I wouldnt call them a leach because they may not want anything from you, they just want your attention, or distract you from doing wat you need to do. Watch out for these people because they are the lowkey haters, worst kind to me. they will feed off your success until they are at a position to tear you down emotionally or mentally.
Keep your mind strong, pockets fat and eyes on the prize. dont let people with little going for them stop you from persuing your dreams, ambitions, goals,and the life that you see for yourself. be the change you want to see in the world and dont let people stand in your way, even if they only want "some time"
In life there are 2 things in common, we don't have all the answers and we all die. None of us are immortal and we have all experienced times of hardship. It is up to us to leave a legacy to be proud of and to make way for the coming generations.
I'll give you an example. I have some felonies, but I won't let that be what I leave behind. I have a child on the way and what opportunities can I give my child if I'm stuck in that mindset? None. To change that I have gotten involved with felony advocates here in Seattle. That is the legacy I want to leave, "By changing my own life I can affect those around me, positively. By breaking down the walls that constricts felons back to recidivism, we can all have a better tomorrow"
We have to look to the future, look to our elders and think "What did they leave behind for me? How did what they did, help me get to where I am?" And it may not be direct help to you but for your situation. Now look back to your lil brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. What do you want to leave for them? Do you want to leave your son in this world knowing his father had all these enemies trying to come after him or do you want your son to grow up knowing he has a good future ahead of him?
The natural life cycle consists of birth, brain development, slow deterioration, then death. This is the same for all animals. Do not fear death. This is the natural flow of things. Make out with the old and take in the new. Think of life as your closet. You wouldn't wear the same shit you wore when you were 5, now you have a sense of fashion, whatever that means to you, and the things that made sense then don't now. This is the same with people.
But there are somethings to look forward to if you have a near death experience and live. In most cases that occur with these experiences you will then experience the following: Your life will flash before your eyes and you will be able to see and remember for a short while all your life and this will enlighten your mind. The next thing is seeing "the light" at the end of a black tunnel. From most cases if it isn't your time you will see a figure telling you to go back. This figure is unclear. Another thing is you seeing familiar figures. Some think that the figure telling you to turn back is a later you, but that is not confirmed. The final thing is to have "out of body" experiences. This is like a hallucinogenic drug. You will be able to see yourself as others are trying to bring you back to life. You will be able to describe things to people that was occurring during this time while you are "dead" and damn is that freaky lol.
Point of all of this, embrace life how you have it, live to make a better tomorrow. Leave a legacy and make out with the old and embrace the new. Leave opportunities for following generations and always live life like that may be your last day.
EMT (Early Morning Thoughts): When i talk to people they take offense. Not because what i say but how i say it. I dont think the way i say something should matter if you get the message.
I'm tired of people sayin the way i talk to people is rude. obviously they r talking to me ckuz they know they r gunna get the truth. it is not my fault that it hurts some of you. Anyone of ya can tell me the tr
uth in a sugar coated way or not nd i can and will take it. I feel like if u cant take the truth about urself how can you speak on other people's lives?
Furthermore, if i offend you by speaking the truth then re-evaluate you life and game plan. i've done it many times and thats y i say wat i feel. I will never apologize for the shit i have said or the way i said those things.
Yes, there are times i say things that i dont mean but never in anger. I will never try to make someone feel bad because of the way im feeling and if u feel like i did that ckall me out on it. i can handle it.
so in conclusion, do not take offense to my honesty, for which i give i will receive. I feel likk i am doing you all a favor for being honest and if you cant see that then i hope one day you will. I hope ya ckan also be honest with me. I know the way things come out may be rude but if it hits home for you, then it must have some impact on your life. i dont say things to be rude and i wont apologize for wat i say. its up to you to take that feedback and do something with it. Or not. The choice is up to you.
Happy Tuesday. Everyone watch for that Trap God, droppin tomorrow from Gucci Mane